$500.00 Sold Out

Framed ghost print of "Vigil"
7.5" x 7"
Framed size: 15" x 15"
Ink on 100% Cotton Rag Ph neutral paper
Signed in pencil, lower right
Edition: 1/1

This is a ghost print of my monotype "Vigil" (sold). It is a one of a kind artwork created with a printmaker's press. A ghost print is a second impression pulled from a monotype. A monotype is a unique print that is pulled from an original painting using a print press.
In "Vigil", I used a thick oil based ink to create an original painting on the surface of a smooth copper plate. When I was satisfied with the ink painting, I transferred it onto a damp sheet of paper using the pressure of an intaglio printing-press. That was how "Vigil" was created. Usually you can only get one good impression from a monotype created this way, but every now and again, after a monotype is pulled from the plate, there is still enough ink remaining on the plate surface to create second (lighter) impression. This second impression of a monotype is known as a ghost print. A ghost print is much different in appearance to the original monotype, as most of the ink painting was already removed prior to this impression. In this work, the ghost print turned out so incredibly moody and delicate, I believe it competes with the original "Vigil" in it's beauty and splendor.
